A couple of things. Earlier you stated you taped that mean blue wire out of the way with duct tape. Duct tape is not good for taping anything electrical since it contains a certain amount of metal fiber. Use conventional electrical tape, it's about $2 a roll for 3M brand, the best IMO.
Also, cancel the extended warranty and put that money in the bank for future repair and maintenance. If you financed the cost, cancel it and remove it from the loan. About the first time you need to use that warranty, you'll find that the insurer has a list of loopholes that allow them not to pay out. It is basically a scam on those afraid of major mechanical problems. The dealership also makes big money on the transaction.
Yes, the typical RV mattresses are bad. Buy a new one that fits or buy a mattress topper to make it comfortable. One of the better things about RV'ing is getting a good nights sleep and awake to the great outdoors. I sleep better in my RV than in the house.