I live pretty remote in a rural area and only have three options for internet; satellite, direct line of sight nod or wireless internet off the 3G-4G hotspot device.
Line of sight nods usually have trouble due to the amount of trees in the way and require a large tower and likely not an option if you are travelling. The 3G-4G hotpsot device I had worked well and is fast, but it relies on actually having a cell phone signal, can be problem in many spots in Canada, likely less in the US. Also you may pay a pretty high fee for a small amount of data (i.e I paid $130 per month for 20 gigs :E )
I switched to satellite and I find it works well, especially for what you are looking to do (i.e. not streaming videos) It does get a bit laggy especially at high traffic times, but overall not bad for basic internet usage (emails, some web surfing). You will also likely get a lot more gigs of data for a decent price. I see you having no issues working off satellite service.
This is my experience where I live, you will likely have a lot more options for a lot lower of a price in the USA. Here in Canada we have one of the highest cost for internet and cell phones in the world, lucky us :S