Hey Mesa - We certainly use our PSW Inverter setup alot when camping off the power grid...
Powers up the home entertainment center items and the cellphone and computer chargers. Actually use ours for several low wattage items since we have it...
My fear for you would be not being able to re-charge your two 6V batteries as soon as you can when your run them down. Worse thing you can do to new 6VDC your batteries is let them get below 12.0VDC voltage (Approximate 50% charge state) for any length of time...
I have the 2KW Honda Generator and run all the 120VAC items we want run off the Inverter and all the 12VDC items direct connected to the battery bank. You might get away with a 1KW generator just running your on-board smart mode converter/charger. Our setup is all planned out so we will drop our battery bank down to around 12.0VDC by 8Am the next morning and that is when we connect our trailer shore power cable directly to the 2KW Honda generator using a RV30A-15A Adapter which will allow our on-board trailer smart mode converter/charger re-charge our 255AH battery bank back up to its 90% charge state. This will require a three hour generator run time which fits into most of the camp ground rules that have generartor run time restrictions in place. This then allows us to do all of this all over again for the next day.night camping off the power grid.
When we are running the generator re-charging our batteries we can also make our coffee for the day and pour up into a thermos.
This is what we do camping off the power grid..
Roy Ken