smkettner wrote:
Single circuit for tv and small items, not whole house.
SoundGuy wrote:
Having previously wired in my 1000 watt inverter "whole house" I discovered it was more trouble than it was worth ...
smkettner wrote:
Must have had easy access to where you needed outlets.
Anyone who bothers to follow the link I provided to my inverter pics would see that installation
was quite easy since I located the inverter itself inside the front pass through storage compartment where it would be protected from the elements yet within feet of the battery. The inverter output is wired to a junction box where it is then distributed out to dedicated recetacles, two of which are on each side of the queen walk around bed ... too easy. Obviously, since the vast majority of travel trailers also have a front pass through storage compartment inverter installation in any of these would likewise be just as easy. :B