Cummins12V98 wrote:
A little more here, copy out of TDR issue 71. I am pretty sure the Napa filter question was during the 1st get era. Issue 71 is about the '99-'00.
It seems that numerous Cummins B series engines equipped with entry level Fram filters suffered piston failures some time back (years 1999, 2000). Upon investigation it was found that the piston undercrown oiling tubes (official term: piston cooling nozzles) were plugged, which caused the pistons to overheat and scuff against the cylinder walls. Cummins found that these oilers were plugged by some of the glue or resins used in the Fram filters, so they sent Fram a bill for those engines. You don’t want to screw with diesel engine manufacturers’ products, because their reputations are very important to them. Fram immediately upgraded the quality of this filter for use on the Cummins B series engine. Kudos to Fram for this one filter. *Editor’s note: Documentation of Fram’s filter follies (follies: as nice a term as I could find) is found in TDR Issue 34, page 105. As a result of their follies, Dodge issued a technical service bulletin (TSB 09-004-01 dated 5/18/01) which informed the service network of the recommended oil filters for the Turbo Diesel engine. The approved manufacturers were (again the date of the TSB is May 2001):
What does any of this have to do with DEF?