Forum Discussion

JennyWagner's avatar
Aug 13, 2015

Issues with converter - How do you go about it?

I am an electrical engineering student trying to understand the RV market for a class project with a team of students. How does the whole electrical component market and after market work? How do you - RV owners - go about figuring out how to fix your RV or get it fixed?

This may sound a bit brash and perhaps not allowed to do on this forum. But this market is really unique, fragmented and complex that I am struggling quite a bit to get a good understanding. I would love it if you can take 5 minutes to answer these 8 very simple questions.

I can share any results with you at the end if you want.

  • The site is a popular survey site. It's pretty safe but I'm skeptical of the OP's description of the survey as it's more of a marketing study. I'm also a bit curious as to the way the questions are worded. A name like "Jenny Wagner" would imply English as a first language, but the questions are worded in a manner that seems otherwise.

    I would chalk it up to spam and deal with it accordingly unless the OP can defend him/herself.

    EDIT: Posted while Jenny Wagner was posting. I took the survey. Hope it helps, whatever the motive is :)
  • Thanks all for your questions and comments.

    The link is not a scam, but I can understand your hesitation to click. AYTM stands for Ask Your Target Market. It is a free surveying tool (similar to Survey Monkey) that poor students like me use.

    Thanks for the quick primer on how the converter works and the 120V vs 12V. But what I am really looking for is how the market works.

    I am a student at Illinois Tech (Illinois Institute of Technology - Chicago) and my minor is in Management Studies. This course will help us analyze and understand the full value chain of electrical components all the way from component suppliers, manufacturers, end customers through distributor/dealors & technicians. I hope I helped answer any questions.

    Will really benefit from your collective experiences here. Thanks in advance.

  • Looks like a link to a Pakistani scam to me. I think I'll pass on that survey.
  • What school do you attend?
    This may sound brash but I don't see any identification of what school and course this relates to so will consider this spam until I know different.
  • Easy.......
    RV has 2 electrical systems

    A 120V AC System with Dist Panel/circuit breakers just like a house and a 12V DC System with Fuse Panel/fuses just like an automobile.

    Converter.....120V AC input/12V DC output
    Inverter......12V DC input/120V AC output

    This might sound a bit brash but an electrical engineering student should be able to understand simple 120V AC and 12V DC Systems.
    IF not.....maybe electrical engineering isn't your bailiwick