I too shall be joining the ranks of the retired in a month or so. I'm keeping the 4x4 F250 and 9.5 S&S. Aside from replacing the head gaskets 3 times before figuring out there was a machining error at the front right of the block causing water jacket failure within 3 months of replacement, a new starter, rebuilding the AC system, rebuilding the front steering, Rear Springs, Rancho 9000 shocks, 2 alternators, power steering pump, muffler which is needed again and finally a new engine, it's been a faithful truck. I won't bother mentioning the front right jack area frame rot fixed, or the rear right frame rot still to be fixed, and certainly not the Amish replacement fridge or the blown out cracked into 5 pieces escape hatch currently unable to locate parts so going to put a couple layers fiberglass over it. But I still love it... Hope to have paths cross sometime. Perhaps Arizona this winter... Best wishes to you...