BurbMan wrote:
JRscooby wrote:
Unless on level surface, 3 legs is more stable than 4.
Re-read what he said. Hence the reason cameras use tripods, milking stools have 3 legs, etc. Obviously more legs provide more support, but the more legs you have the harder it is to load them all equally. Three legs means each has to carry more weight, but they distribute that weight much easier.
Thank you
Seminoe Joe wrote:
More points of contact means more stability, especially on uneven ground.
It takes at least 3 to have any stability at all. But any more than that, must adjust the length of legs to get more than 3 points of contact. Take a 4 legged table, cut a little off 1 leg. That table will rock, depending on where you set the pitcher of beer. Now cut a little of 1 leg of a 3 legged stool. Cut enough, you can make it fall, but you will never make it rock.
3000 lb camper on 4 legs, means 750 lbs on each leg if even. On dirt, even with a 1 inch stroke, bell of hammer knocking a hole in ground. If the OP had a jack on each side, near front, a 3rd center rear, unless ground suddenly gave, very unlikely to get leaning enough to fall without real recital cranial inversion