StirCrazy wrote:
BurbMan wrote:
JRscooby wrote:
Unless on level surface, 3 legs is more stable than 4.
Re-read what he said. Hence the reason cameras use tripods, milking stools have 3 legs, etc. Obviously more legs provide more support, but the more legs you have the harder it is to load them all equally. Three legs means each has to carry more weight, but they distribute that weight much easier.
there easier to level and tram with three legs but not more stable, cameras use a tri pod because it would take for ever to get level if you had 4 legs, thankfully we dont need that kinda of persision with our campers
Not necessarily level, but to get it to sit without rocking.
A 3-legged stool will sit stably on just about any surface, but a 4-legged stool will rock on two legs unless you find just the right spot.
Since a camper's legs are independently adjustable, the point is moot.