2oldman wrote:
This particular situation is a bit different from simply being in a tent. Would you care to be in a trailer with 13 people in a hot parking lot with fans? Dehydration is not a joke.
It ain't all that different than having 7 people in a tent on a rainy Texas summer night. You can't use all of your venting because of the rain. Done it plenty of times growing up. None of us kids died or thought we were being punished by our parents back then. I still see decent sized families doing this in campgrounds these days. Yeah it was warm, you may sweat a little, but we all had a good time and none of us died of dehydration.
You would think that this lady is thinking about locking her kids in a hot car. People, it's a travel trailer with plenty of windows and vents somewhere in Indiana, not Death Valley. Overnight highs are maybe in the high 70's. Depending on their tolerance, it may or may not be comfortable, but individuals aren't going to die because they don't have AC.