We've had a 2011 Outback 250RS since new. First off, we love the rear slide design as it allows us 25 feet of "living and moving" space inside as opposed to losing 8 feet in length to a dedicated bedroom. The tall ceiling is a big plus too.
The downside compared to many models is limited storage space for things like clothes and "stuff", but it's just the wife and I and an 18 pound sheltie and we minimize and organize things pretty well. Overall build quality is on-par or slightly better than many manufacturers I've examined, IMO.
The rear bunk can get chilly, but we've slept without heat (ran out of propane one evening:E) in 29 degrees overnight and did just fine with an extra fleece blanket (and I'm not warm-blooded).
The ceiling slide support rails/weight on the bed while drawn in-question CAN be problematical. I reinforced/slightly restructured the forward rail ends (not a big deal) and made a removeable, adjustable bunk support for underneath that we use anytime when traveling on the road for any distance...they've solved any problems. Found a lot of advice and ideas on outbackers.com and keystonerv.org.
One more thing, there's room for only one battery on the tongue frame.