itguy08 wrote:
goducks10 wrote:
It's funny how when Ford won from a test, it was cause was biased towards Ford. So now a Ram wins a test, does that mean isn't really bias? Or maybe since the Ram kicked the snot out of the out dated Ford, had no choice but to pick the Ram as the winner.
Exactly. Funny how people like to pick and choose what sites are good, bad, and biased....
That being said, Ram better have won - it is the newest HD truck. Ford is the oldest with GM in the middle.
So, I'm confused...We have also seen where the 2013 Ram was beaten by the 2015 Ford which isn't outdated and not even in production yet....and that was ok, per the Ford guys and all was well with the world, BUT, using a 13' Ram against a 13 Ford wasn't fair, because the 2013 Ford is "outdated":h
GOOD:B.. glad we cleared that up, because I would think that an updated 2015 Ford should win the test running against an "outdated" 2013 Ram truck.....what is good for the goose is good for the gander:B