Mike134 wrote:
So what happened to your rig on the way home? Just fall apart or did you have components inside that are commonly the same ones used by all manufacturers fail?
The trailer frame bent and front collapsed, the trailer made it to Alaska from California and all around Alaska, but the road leaving Alaska into Canada is so bad, even driving like a snail it hit a hole and bent. I think the type of frame also wasn't as good as some of the newer ones. So it got towed off and our insurance has been pretty good about paying for all that and hoping to get something back for it too.. unlike Good Sam who after 6 hours on the phone told us to arrange our own towing as they couldn't figure it out...
Anyways, we loved it but it was getting old (but fine for us), so now we want a replacement... but prices are high..but these newer ones do have some nice features :)