Forum Discussion

erdvm1's avatar
Jul 17, 2014

kodiak 172e bunk ends question

2014 172e Kodiak htt
The bows lock in with a ball and socket while open but pop loose when closed. The bow ends were too long so Kodiak had the dealer cut them down so they wouldn't get pinched in the door hinge while closed. Now the canvas is torn in all four corners due to the balls being pinched in the top of the door. They have since changed the design to a hinge that is permanently attached and can't get pinched.
Has anyone else had this issue? what was the fix? can they go back and change to the new hinge system or will there be too many holes in the door?
  • Yes, that is being done and not really this question. I do appreciate you replying but am more interested in replies to the specific questions. I want to know exactly what others have done to have this resolved the first time since I am finding their fixes may not work long term.
  • Check the hinges for the bow. They have a notch on one side of them that allows the bow to sit properly when closed. If the hinge is installed backwards the bow pops out when closing up and causes the loose end of the bow to press against the canvass.
    My 181e had that issue on one hinge. Once I identified the issue and reversed the hinge I am not having the issue anymore. However the original fix (by previous owner/dealer) to the canvass was to use something similar to Dacron Sail Repair Tape, which moved around to the point it bunched up around the corner and got in the way of the gasket when closing the bed. We are working on a solution with the dealer/canvas repair company to put a glued/sewed patch on the corner to reinforce.
    Only issue we have had on an otherwise fantastic trailer and dealer experience.
  • Great info
    Have you seen that they changed the hinge design? why do you think they tried the ball and socket hinge?
    Heres a links to what the pinching has done to the canvas. Not good

    Cut and paste to view the pictures
  • not sure what kind of responses you'll get, since your issue is a rare and unusual one.

    don't remember ever seeing a similar post on any of the 5 Hybrid forums i belong to, for the past 9 years.
  • Now that I see your pic's mine is actually a slightly different issue, but may well be related to the same root cause. Mine is having the issues in the bottom corner of the bed (near the hinge).

    I wonder though if it is due to a hinge design or if maybe it is a quality issue in the canvas.