jefe 4x4 wrote:
fine pix of your travels. I smell a little photoshopping in there...
Other than some cropping or straightening (I take many of the pictures out the truck window while DH drives), then reducing the file size for posting and adding the watermark, there is no editing.
Sometimes I think about de-saturating the reds and yellows BUT those ARE the colours, so why change it?
A closeup of the bush behind our campsite this year at Snag Junction.

This the Top of the World Highway outside of Dawson City the first week of September 2012.

In brilliant sunshine the colour is almost painful on the eyes!
Perhaps because we don't smog or pollution filtering the light.
DH says we live in high-definition; it certainly is a photographer's delight!
Even during June

Then there were these characters next to our cabin a couple of weeks ago and all around it this week too, bugling & screeching.