Forum Discussion

starlord's avatar
May 10, 2013

Lacrosse or Sprinter?

Looking at the Lacrosse 327RES and the Sprinter 300 KBS or 299 RET. Any feedback on either of these companies? Anybody know anything about these three trailers?
  • If you go with the Lacrosse be aware of some limitations.
    There's only one access exterior door to the front storage area. May have problems reaching stored materials.
    The Lane sofa couch is only 65 inches long so only a 5' 5" person can sleep on it.
    Friend has one and a screw was loose on the kitchen slide out and ruined the carpet(tore it). Lacrosse wouldn't do a thing for him. And his electric stabilizers have been replaced twice (now on his 3rd set).
    Just thought you may like to know.
    Good luck,