Forum Discussion

davidaf's avatar
Dec 23, 2014

Lance 1181 on 2015 Ford 350/450 DRW w/o Bags?

Question, has anybody mounted and used a heavy (4500lb) TC on a newer F350 or F450 w/o bags?

Have a bit of an issue. Nobody has airbags yet for my 2015 F-450 at least according to my installer and direct contact with Air Lift. I made sure they understood it was a non Chassis Cab. I'd really like to take the Lance 1181 out for about a week over the new year but don't want spend the week popping wheelies nor do I want to spend two hours pulling out my hitch/tailgate and driving out to the storage facility to do a test mount. Just not enough time between now and Saturday when we drive across the border. Plus a quick mount won't really tell me how well it will really handle.

I've always had bags and intent to on this vehicle just can't do it until the manufacturers catch up.

  • Fred, my last scale reading had me at close to 4960lb with the wife and 1/3 tank of water vs me in the unloaded truck.

    Thanks Kerry I'm aware air bags aren't the only option. What I'm looking for is opinions when running with no suspension helpers.

    I've had overload helpers much like the top leaf Stable Loads (I don't recall the brand). Air bags give me the option to air down to 10lbs with the 5th wheel to give some cushion on nasty roads rather than buying an air hitch for twice the money. That would be a discussion for another thread.
  • I think that the cargo rating of the truck you are looking at is near 6,500 pounds.

    How heavy is your camper? Only 4,500 dry, so around 5,500 wet? How many pots and pans do you plan to carry? Or do you plan to collect rocks?

    You will be fine without the extra springs.

    Have fun camping!

  • You dont need air bags to effectively carry a heavy TC. I carry an Arctic Fox 1140 which is heavier than any Lance 1181. I haul it on a 2009 Chevy 3500 dually with Supersprings and Stable Loads. It handles like a dream. I never used air bags nor do I ever want to. You have a new F450. If it was me Id start out with a stock truck and take it from there. If anything extra is needed I would first add Stable Loads.