I do not know if this is of value but here is the information for my 2005 1191. You can see from the figures that the ready to go weight will be over 5000 lbs.
This is the sticker on the outside. It shows a "dry" weight of 4144 lbs.
This sticker is from an inside cabinet and shows a weight of 4449 lbs. It includes most of the options.
This image shows the weight of the truck with a full tank of diesel.
This image shows the weight of the camper on the truck mostly ready to camp. You would need to add my wife, dog,food and beer and misc. items say 500-700 more pounds.
I have only seen one 1191 on a SRW truck. Below is a picture. The owner said he purposely did not want a DRW truck. The modifications he made, if memory serves, were new rims and 19.5 tires, upgraded springs, air bags and shocks and sway bar. He said it cost more than a dually when he was done but he was happy. Here is a picture.