Forum Discussion

PSUJIM85's avatar
Aug 07, 2014

Lance 855S or Eagle Cap 850

I am new to truck camping and I am in bit of a quandary. I just purchased a Chevy HD3500 Diesel with a payload of 4265 lbs. (Crew cab with a short bed)

I have been looking at these shortbed slide out models, but I feel that they put me very close to being overweight when loaded. Does anyone have advice on owning these - which is better built? Also how did you find the weights - is the web site reliable or do they vary widely from what they present?

I also wondered if a driver side awning is useful or not?

Thanks for any advise
  • I recently ordered and just received my 2015 GMC Denali 3500 Crew Cab, short bed, SRW truck and plan on ordering an Arctic Fox 811S. I figure after loading it up with camping gear and 2 passengers, I should still be under the weight cap. With a 3rd person, it may be close. I don't plan on towing anything.
  • When not towing, we have close to 7000-7250 lbs on the rear axle with the TC, gear, water and occupants loaded. When trailering behind the TC, I have seen the rear axle at 7250-8250lb depending on which trailer we use and what we have loaded. I weigh often and we configure differently for various trips, so that is why I have such variation. For example: Next week we will going to a local lake with our boat but next month we will be traveling the Oregon coast with two dune buggies in tow.
  • I would think a F250 with the AF811S would be very overloaded?? With the Lance 850S and 1000 lbs est. cargo and water/fuel, I would still be under the GVWR on paper, and right at the limit with the NEW 850 by EC, They say they are making them 300 lbs lighter this year.

    Air bags stabilize but do nothing for loading, so I am weighing that against their added weight. no pun intended...

    Any thoughts?

    Bedlam wrote:
    We chose the Arctic Fox 811 over the Lance 855S and the Adventurer 86SBS was close behind our AF pick. The Eagle Cap 850 was not available in our area to compare to our choice, but it produced by the same company as Adventurer and I suspect quality will be similar.

    I'm not sure if you will find a slide model that will not take you over GVWR once you are loaded up for camping. Depending on the OEM wheel package, you should be safe if you have the higher capacity OEM's as long as you do not tow a trailer with a heavy tongue weight. Expect to do some suspension modifications regardless of the TC you choose.

    If you boondock, a driver side awning would be nice, but it is impractical when connected to utilities. A curb side awning would be more useful in varying situations. We like the rear awning since it rains often where we live and allows a covered area in front of the door.

    I prefer the slide on the curb side so that you can pull off the road and extend the slide without it deploying into traffic, but that will depend on where and how you plan to travel.
  • One of my camping cohorts just made this decision about a month ago. He thought the 850 was a better unit and purchased it instead of the Lance.
  • We chose the Arctic Fox 811 over the Lance 855S and the Adventurer 86SBS was close behind our AF pick. The Eagle Cap 850 was not available in our area to compare to our choice, but it produced by the same company as Adventurer and I suspect quality will be similar.

    I'm not sure if you will find a slide model that will not take you over GVWR once you are loaded up for camping. Depending on the OEM wheel package, you should be safe if you have the higher capacity OEM's as long as you do not tow a trailer with a heavy tongue weight. Expect to do some suspension modifications regardless of the TC you choose.

    If you boondock, a driver side awning would be nice, but it is impractical when connected to utilities. A curb side awning would be more useful in varying situations. We like the rear awning since it rains often where we live and allows a covered area in front of the door.

    I prefer the slide on the curb side so that you can pull off the road and extend the slide without it deploying into traffic, but that will depend on where and how you plan to travel.
  • For me I picked a new Lance over the EC, mainly because of the huge price difference. Were more than happy with the new 1050S.
    I did special order it with the drivers side awning (also have the rear) we used the side awning all the time in the rain with our old non-slide Lance. It was on the pass side (or dinette side) so made a little more sense. However it didn't cost to much to have it installed by Lance, I'm glad I have it as the rear one is basically useless in the pouring rain IMO, other than to keep things dryer going in & out or the camper.
    For 015 I believe EC has quit using fiberglass caps, & now are just like all the rest, I did like the new Lance aerodynamic nose over the more "blunter" EC, again just a personal thing. Good Luck with which ever you choose!
  • Super_Dave wrote:
    As an EC 850 owner, I can say that everything else being equal, I would pick the EC over the Lance for skin and end cap design. The driver side awning was a huge waste of my money.


    As a Lance 855s owner, I agree with Super Dave- I would buy the EC 850.

    Not because of any problems with our Lance but because the EC has a better bathroom layout and more interior storage.

    Ask Billtex- he is on this forum and decided on the EC 850 vs. the 855s
  • The only real way to answer your question is for you to take your truck full of fuel, and what you would take with you in the crew cab, people, pets, stuff, and get it weighed front and back axle separately.

    With a short box almost all the weight will drop directly onto the rear axle, so take the camper, add 1000 pounds of stuff to it's weight, and see if you have room to carry it with the tires you have.

    Remember, adding a hitch and towing anything puts about 150% of the hitch weight on the rear axle, and takes weight off the front.

    An awning over the door is nice, and might be all you really need. Campers are high and provide shade because of it. Tarps go where you need them.

  • Jim,
    As an EC 850 owner, I can say that everything else being equal, I would pick the EC over the Lance for skin and end cap design. The driver side awning was a huge waste of my money.
