Finally getting things moving along again. All the rain we have had here in Ga has slowed me down. I’ve had to spend some of my time trying to keep the roof of the pole barn from falling in due to rain pooling, during normal rain fall it get rid of the rain fine but these down pours the last few weeks have created more than one issue. Guess I can consider it more motivation to get it done.
I have been working on the side panels. I stated with the left side

Then the left side shelf and the right side panel

They say to measure twice and cut once, well make sure you read the measurements right when you start measuring. When I cut the wood for the right side shelf I read the measurement as 14”. In reality it said I needed 14 at 20 ½”, this was the number for both sides. So as I started to assembly the right side panel I discovered I had 9 pieces at 14” when I really needed 20 ½”

After getting the right side shelf assembled

I decided to use the miss cut pieces to reinforce where the dinette and the closet area

The main difference between the factory sides and shelves and my rebuild is beefing up the total assembly. The factory wood was all 1x2, I went back with 1x4. I know this will add some weight but I hope with other modifications it will all even out.
With the side panel frames finished I am going to get the front panel under the cab over rebuilt next. That is going to be a challenge due to the fact I will have to remove the front jacks and with the floor still disconnected there isn’t a lot to support the top half. I have a pole jack under the cab over now; just have to see if it will hold the whole cab over section up without the jacks.
The front corners are currently a 1x2 and a 1x1. There is room to use a single 2x3 which should give a better surface to mount the jacks to. I will be mounting piece of angle aluminum on the inside of the 2x3 and instead of the wood screws the factory used I will be mounting the jack brackets with nuts and bolts. Hopefully this will hold up better over the long haul.