Forum Discussion

fleecerdog's avatar
May 14, 2015

lance generator

Hi, my Lance 1020 has a compartment at the rear right plumbed and wired for a generator. The door faces the rear ... I think it was for a Generac 36LP ... anyone with any experience in placing an aftermarket unit in this type of rig? I have a Penguin 13500 air conditioner that is original equipment that I want to use often.
I have an idea to try to find a portable 3000w unit, strip its covers, fuel tank, and some of the framework as needed and try to adapt ... anyone with experience or ideas on that?
Thanks for reading...
  • I do have factory installed Onan and would gladly sell it if someone would offer me good price for it.
    We don't use AC where we camp and one time when I new I will need AC, I took my Honda 3000EU.
    Onan are gas guzzlers and noisy to pair.
    Than for battery charging and coffee maker I have $89 small gasoline generator.
    Filling up propane is a hassle, while gasoline is everywhere.
  • fleecerdog wrote:
    Thanks Folks ... The A/C unit was bad anyway, so I went with a Coleman Mach8 9200 and found a brand new Onan 2500LP on Clist ... the combo works perfect and I can even run the micro along with the A/C

    Good score finding the Onan on CL. Bet they don't come up too often.
  • Thanks Folks ... The A/C unit was bad anyway, so I went with a Coleman Mach8 9200 and found a brand new Onan 2500LP on Clist ... the combo works perfect and I can even run the micro along with the A/C
  • Sounds like there would be at least lot of noise and vibration generated.

    For sure it can be done, but maybe not such a good idea?