Bought a well used 1996 Lance SquireLite 185S. The framing is 1X2 furring strips. Not much rot in the cabover but rot was expected. Using Varathane wood hardener for the mostly solid wood. I bought little glue syringes for Jewelry making from Hobby Lobby. I shoot the hardener into the screw holes, stick a matchstick with waterproof wood glue on the end and snap off flush with surface. Let stand for a few minutes (glue sets up fast) and reinstall a new metal roofing screw with rubber gasket. Pocket hole screw and glue replacement wood in. Adding 2X2 framing in the bed area to beef up the insulation. Peeling tons of failed butyl and owner applied silicone off everywhere. Caulking with Alex Plus Latex Caulk With Silicone (40 year). Best thing about the old camper? It came with a 3 jack Stabile-Lift. Just had to buy the saddle mounts to bolt to the frame of the truck (between $300 & $350 including shipping). The Stable-Lift is worth more than what was paid for the camper. Added USB outlets, dedicated inverters, solar, batteries, rear porch, new refrigerator, upgraded galley faucet and added a drinking water faucet. Also pulled the power cord off and installed a 30Amp Marinco Park Power outlet. Need to use it for a few months before making plans to renovate/upgrade the rest of the camper. Luckily, I have the skills to do all the work myself. Basically I used to get paid to do what I am doing for myself.