Maybe this info will help you. If you swap out all of your trucks incandescent lights for led bulbs you are going to get either a hyperflash or a steady light with no flash at all. You will need to change out the flasher relay for one that is compatible with LED lights. Brake lights, reverse lights, park lights etc will all be 100% compatible without doing anything special. If you are only doing your RV then nothing is required as the trucks flasher relay is still working off the trucks regular incandescent lights. Just swap the bulbs out and your good.
I little while back i swapped my trucks lighting inside and out for LED light bulbs. I actually made a youtube video of the process as well as a before and after video of the changes. If your interested in doing your truck you may find the before and after video shows a clear picture of what your end result will be like.
Swapping the lights & flasher relay, showing how i did it : and After comparison : my opinion, the red or amber color lights are made for clear lenses and i see no reason to opt for them unless you have clear lenses. Bulb you take out clear? replace with white LED, is it red/amber? replace with red/amber LED.