Forum Discussion

north_mom's avatar
Jul 06, 2020

leg bracket repair

I have a Sunlite camper, not sure of it's age but definitely not new! The right rear leg bracket is partially torn off the camper. I think the leg itself is fine, it extends and retracts w/no problems. It looks like the previous owner had repaired it and when we were putting the camper on the truck this year it fell off the concrete blocks onto that leg, tearing the bracket off more than it had been. I searched here but couldn't find any info on repairing a leg bracket. Any ideas/suggestions for doing this repair? I can post a couple of pix if I can figure out how to do that.
  • I replied in your other thread with the same title and the pictures... maybe you could ask a mod to combine both threads.
  • I did such repair on my Fleetwood, who had water damages in the corner.
    You will need to pull the siding a little bit out to assess the damage.
    If the wood is only partially damaged - fiber-glassing does the wonder.
    If the wood is rotten, that calls for serious rebuild.
  • Yep, there's another discussion going on, sorry, can't find it.

    But,I'm having a similar thing going one. But it's a swing bracket that bent.
    Dealer has their, pricey at 2 for $300 but looks pretty easy with the power wrench.
    If you have camper wall damage, well then that's a little different story.
    If you have motors on the top of jack, aka Power Jack, apparently they're easy to move to the new one.
    Good luck, I"m in the middle of this fix..