Forum Discussion

north_mom's avatar
Jul 06, 2020

leg bracket repair

I have a Sunlite camper, not sure of it's age but definitely not new! The right rear leg bracket is partially torn off the camper. I think the leg itself is fine, it extends and retracts w/no problems. It looks like the previous owner had repaired it and when we were putting the camper on the truck this year it fell off the concrete blocks onto that leg, tearing the bracket off more than it had been. I searched here but couldn't find any info on repairing a leg bracket. Any ideas/suggestions for doing this repair?

  • I would remove the jack bracket and show us what you find underneath it. The wood underneath could be rotted or just split. If it is split, then it is a “normal” wood repair. A little more complicated if it is rotted as the entire area would need to be rebuilt.
  • While brackets can be replaced, does appear some structure damage. Whether rot or impact cant say but doubtful brackets alone will fix without getting to what they are bolted to.
    Riecotitan site
  • Can't say if the bracket is twisted, but looks like it is hanging on siding only.
    The frame wood under has to be gone fishing.
  • The bracket itself looks like it is twisted.
    But there is obviously damage to the camper structure behind it as well.
    You need to take the jack and bracket off and do some dissembly to see how much damage there is.
    That can range from some splintered wood where the screws were pulled out to very bad wood rot.
    The state of the screws will give you a hint. If they are very rusty, you are looking at a major problem.
    But without disassembling first you can not do any repairs. It is not complicated. The corner moldings are held on with screws, the camper siding comes in sheets that are stapled to the camper frame at their lower edge. All of it is held together by butyl tape and sealant. Not very pleasant work to clean it all off, but a good set of screwdrivers gets you pretty far. Work from bottom to top.
    The lower jack bracket has visible damage as well.