dblr wrote:
We never really recieved good service at the West Chester Stoltzfus either.I would bypass the dealer and contact KZ yourself for help in this matter, but even tho it's hard be nice when you contact them remember you need their help. Explain everything to them and even be ready to possibly take it back to the factory we had friends recieve help on their Durango Gold 5th wheel and it was even after the warranty ran out/ I know your upset but being nice when asking for help will go a lot farther then mentioning a lawyer, good luck and keep us posted.
This is very good advice. I am an attorney, and not knowing your state's laws and the circumstances of your situation, I can't even say if you have any grounds at all. It is completely possible that you could easily prevail in an action or would be summarily dismissed after the first filing. Regardless, your upfront legal costs could easily exceed the cost of the RV without any certainty of the outcome.
I always tell people in situations like you seemingly have is to try to work it out yourself. Be businesslike, and present your case to the manufacturer in an objective manner without criticizing either their dealer or manufacturing processes. The first time you threaten to engage in any legal action you will shut the door completely with the manufacturer. If you use the same tone you used in your post with the manufacturer, you will fail. While you may have every right to be upset, using anger as a negotiating strategy when you are basically asking them for a favor will fail.
On another note, it appears you were not a well informed buyer. You apparently bought third party "warranties" (it sounds like two actually) that often have little value. Then your expectation of these valueless warranties may have been unrealistic as you probably relied on the salespersons explanation rather than reading and understanding the policy for yourself. It also appears that you are not equipped to make routine repairs and adjustments to the RV yourself. I saw posted once the phrase, "To own a RV you either need to be real handy fixing things or real handy at writing checks."