Forum Discussion

jim1521's avatar
Mar 20, 2019

Let’s talk about that great Grand Design build quality

I own a 2016 Grand Design Reflection 313RLTS. I’m a member of the GDRV Owner’s forum.

We’ve all heard about how GDRV is supposedly better than the Thor’s, Forest River’s, Jayco’s etc. well folks, I’ve had enough. I’m ripping off this bandaid and going to expose them for what they are. Keep in mind - none of these are pictures of my RV, but I’m willing to bet that EVERY one of them could be mine.

I’m pointing you to a specific link on the owners forum. You decide.

GDRV: This must make you very proud...
  • Customer service is the key. Having owned our Bighorn since purchasing it new in 2010, I'm a bit biased on build quality, esthetics, and amenities. We've been in GD Solitudes at shows and we still love our Bighorn. Build quality then is different than now. The only issue we have is fading decals, but we can replace those for a little over $1k by a local tech.
  • Sadly these pics are just a drop in the bucket of what you read and see on the GD forum. If it weren't for the above average customer service you could just insert the name Thor, Keystone, Jayco, etc.
  • With this thought in mind, I'll probably never get rid of my 96 Vogue(talk about build quality) I was interested in all the Hoopla about GD and frankly, I liked the looks of their TT's. I joined the owners forum on a Temp basis and the very first thing that stood out for me, was that most everyone on that Forum had visions of having to upgrade the suspension in Brand Spanking new units. Call me old fashion, but I couldn't help but ask myself WHY this was necessary? I didn't look too much more after discovering this.
  • First post here.

    Had no real surprises with my 2150RB, it is what it is. GDRV had some construction issues I liked, including solid slide room walls and the use of Furrion range/oven.
    Areas that need some attention include the skirts, the edges are leathal, all the edges must be pool noodle wrapped when the slide is extended or if fitting wheel/tire UV covers.
    Some of the design points leave me shaking my head. The battens are every four feet to cover the ceiling panels, why did they stick a vent so the vent frame overlaps the batten by an inch or so? The vent in the bath and shower skylight have the same issue only worse.
    Under the cabinets and inside the bath vanity, there are “dust panels” that look like someone duct taped then stapled scrap pieces in place.

    We have a couple of cold spots on outside walls near the night stands that I’m sure have no insulation at all. Have yet to check that out.

    I had a screw driven into the over door valance that missed the support structure by an inch. The valance was about to shake itself loose from the two screws on the ends holding it in place. Luckily there were some extra screws in the water pump cabinet under the sink that allowed me to just drive a screw where it belonged and leave the factory screw in place doing nothing. I had to re hang the bathroom window valance, the support bracket screws had missed the wall backer/framing studs.

    Friends have a Forest River Surveyor and a Rockwood, they have similar if not worse issues on build quality. The brand new Rockwood had no hot water on its second night of use. The water heater looked like it had been under water, either the dealer changed it out or it came from the factory in that condition. The numbers did match for warranty registration. The surveyor has had electrical and doors that will not stay attached issues.

    I tell SWMBO that it is like they put lipstick on a pig, to hide the real animal underneath.