Forum Discussion

tj548's avatar
Jan 02, 2018

Let's See Your Frankenstein Repairs

Here's a picture of a field repair I had to make to my fender skirt in a hurry. Pulled it off on a steel pole leaving a gas station and had no way to replace it and didn't want to go too far without at least something there. In the end, I'm not sure if this is better looking or if I should have just left the plastic off, lol.

  • Funny you guys are all complimenting the work. I really thought it was just a hack repair and was wondering if others would admit to the same. The skirt was broken in half and cracked almost all the way through on another. I had a small metal strap that fit the inside the plastic moulding and reinforced the floppy part of the flare. I literally broke it gassing up the day of departure on a 5,100 mile trip so I didn't have time to wait for the OEM part to come in. Thought about painting it but ran out of time.

    I will say that it held up just fine and held on tight while I removed it. The trailer is in storage in the snow. No way I'm tromping out there to take a picture for the "after" shot, lol.
  • OK so you showed us the before picture....where's the after picture?

    Seriously, that looks fine. My problem would be it's good enough that I might never bother doing anything else with it.
  • profdant139 wrote:
    Hmmm . . . your roadside improvisation looks better than my best efforts at home. Very disturbing. ;)

    I was thinking the same thing.
    The OP should should do some painted artwork on that repair and call them custom wheel skirts. I'll bet he couldn't keep up with the orders . :B
  • Nice -works fine and can be improved later if you think it's necessary. Been there - done that - long b4 digital.
  • If I needed work like that completed I’d pay you to it for me. Good job!
  • Hmmm . . . your roadside improvisation looks better than my best efforts at home. Very disturbing. ;)
  • Lucky I had everything in the trailer. Double stick tape, caulk, extra stainless screws, and drill and drill bits of course. It worked for a while until I had to replace with those expensive OEM parts.
  • I think that is a nice job till you can replace it. Stuff happens!