I cant address the lightning strike as in earth ground.
But on the 12v grounding, or 12v negative return, if mounted on truck likely its tied and is chassis grounded (NOT EARTH GROUND). Even unmounted likely chassis grounded, though possibly not designed as such battery negative probably can be be metered to/thru chassis.
most everything I'm aware of has a wired return on anything 12v, not relying on chassis-but frame is connected to battery negative. One source is the water heater, the other the refrigerator, what or where else unknown. I discovered this on ours hooking up light by door, routing ground wire behind screen door frame and light came on. Always assumed camper frame isolated on the 12v. Nothing you want to rely on, negative returns should be wired, though I utilize for the CB. But I'd meter if you think the frame isnt tied to battery.