Forum Discussion

akronharry's avatar
Jul 07, 2016

Leveling Blocks

Does anyone use those yellow leveling blocks on their dual wheeled travel trailers or is just buying a 2 x 10 and cutting it up work just as well/ Drawbacks? Thanks in advance.
  • I tried using them many moons ago, and find lumber still works the best (for me). Yes, lumber is heavy, and takes up space... yes! But it works for us. The Lynx blocks are hallow, and if using them on sand, grass, or dirt, the edge on the back side will sink into the ground until the ground touches the underside. So, actually, the first layer is a loss, but necessary on sand and dirt.

    Not to long ago, someone said on these forums that the plastic Lynx blocks get misshapped after a while. Because they are plastic, I can see them eventually breaking. I've been using the same treated lumber and posts from a 150 year old bar under my jacks ever since I had my first pop-up. Same boards. I paint them different colors every couple years. They are now currently red. Easy to see in grass or asphalt, and never forget to get them or leave them behind by accident. Also, 2x4 x 18 inches comes in real handy for leveling picnic tables. Nothing worse than have your eggs slide off your plate on an unlevel picnic table. So I carry a lot of lumber for all kinds of stuff. I've go no problems stacking lumber up 9 inches or more high to level one side, if the camp site is that unlevel side to side (which.... we've been to a few like that over the years.) Lumber is MY friend!

    I have a set of yellow Lynx in my pass-through, but never use them. Been dragging them around for years too. Maybe someday my wife will let me get rid of them.

    Folks either love the Lynx and swear by them, or they hate them. Seems to be no in-between opinions.
  • 2x10 is stronger and cheaper. Levelling blocks are much lighter and easier to store (and no slivers). I use a mix of both.