Executive wrote:
Sometimes I just shake my head...other times I just slap it...:S
Why would you want your plate to be obscured?..:h These same people that ask these questions are the ones that bit$h the most when their trucks get stolen and the cops can't find them.
In answer to your question, yes, I would and have stopped and depending on attitude you might get a ticket or a warning. Second stop for same violation becomes a misdemeanor. Same answer for those having the "Look at me, I run red lights" covering on their plates thinking the cameras can't pick them up....Dennis
Shorts a little tight today? I'm with you though; sometimes I just shake my head.
There was a lot of fish to fry during a shift, that's for sure. But license plate violations on an RV wasn't on the radar. Plate problem on a doper's car, perhaps an option away from the 'fruit of the poisonous tree' for the stop.
To clarify; there is a difference between 'RV's' that those on this forum associate with and those that were pretty much abandoned prior but have become havens for the dredges in certain industrial areas, etc. i.e. live in shacks on wheels. For sure, any competent LEO can tell the difference. And should use said knowledge with good discretion. That said, no, I can't imagine stopping a typical RVer for this chicken poop violation.
lol, different strokes for sure.