gbopp wrote:
You have gone 11 years without a problem. Apparently, it's not much of an issue.
Yes, obscured plates are illegal.
This was one of my favorite reasons for pulling someone over. Plus, my supervisor expected us to pull people over for obstructed plates and covered plates, front and back.
Whether you receive a written on this is entirely up to the officer. The only time I wrote someone for not displaying a plate, when required to do so, front and or back, was when they made an effort NOT to follow the law. So if someone had put, one of my favorites, a Chevy USA 1 plate on top of his state issued plate on the front, I never gave a warning. But if someone just didn't put it on or had a exotic vehicle, I gave them a warning.
Here is the reason it was a contact point, I arrested felons, often, murderers, stolen vehicles (many this way), people without insurance and those that had their driver's licenses revoked (DUI, Manslaughter, and poor driving skills) so for those that think it is a poor use of a police officers time is seriously wrong. We are there to protect you, your family and friends from those that don't deserve to be on the road that you are traveling on. It does not take a bunch of time to do something, like affix your plate and keeps you from that rare time to be pull over and verified that you too, deserved to be out on the road. For me, I would not do something that would draw attention to myself, especially if I am wanted or driving illegally.
Safe Driving!