bka0721 wrote:
It was not that many years ago, people would move plates from one vehicle to another. Depending on who was going to town and what they were driving into town. It wsa not that unusual for me to pull someone over and find the plate belonged to a different vehicle and simply wired onto the license plate location. Saved a lot of money for one license plates and six vehicles. Now the home made plates, that is an entirely different story. After the arrests, one had his day in court and then put a lien on the Judge's house, after he was found guilty. After the arrests, one had his day in court and then put a lien on the Judge's house, after he was found guilty. So yes, many LEOs take plate violations seriously and then, some don't. There are a lot of LEOs out there and just listening to one tell you one thing, opposite of what the statute advises, is your right to believe. But you are still required to follow the statute, if you choose to.
I don't understand about the "lien on the Judges house". Really they had the gaul to go after the judge?