jerseyjim wrote:
You got a problem...and it is NOT the a/c. It is something BEFORE the a/c unit.
Low voltage is a prime suspect. Have the a/c fixed one more time...then go to Progressive Industries or an RV internet supplier (I've had great luck at and get their 30AMP unit. (I presume that is what you have...they also have 50 AMP units if you have 50AMP) And while you're at it....presumably at your RV dealer for the a/c, have them check out your entire electrical circuits. Make sure the CONverter is working OK...they do get "weak" but not after only 2 years, as far as I know. Mine got "weak" after 16 years...and, BTW, my 2 roof a/c units are original and work fine.
Where are you staying at? Do you stay at the same CG's every year with your RV's? Check the shore station with a volt meter before you plug in.
I was staying at a CG during an extreme heat wave and the CG had to shut down all the power because they couldn't maintain/provide the correct voltage to all the units that were parked there. Since 'all' of them had their a/c on.
The CG asked everyone to shut down their a/c's to be able to keep the power on but so many refused to do so they had to shut it all off.
Most older CG's were never designed to accommodate a full park of RV's using a/c and now with many RV's having "2" a/c's it's a struggle for some of them to maintain 'consistent' power.