Stove top is much easier to light, just turn the knob to either "high" or "light", whichever, push in the knob and use the long lighter and you're in business. To light the oven, suggest you get a good flashlight and look under the bottom rack to locate it. It's awkward usually and hard to see, but on both of our trailers, the lighting area is toward the back on the right side of the center ridge. Turn the oven knob to "light", get the lighter going and push the knob until it lights. If it doesn't light within several seconds, light the stove top burners again to be sure the line is purged. Try again. Be sure when you see that the oven is lighted, hold the knob for a few more seconds and then turn to the higher temp.
Know ahead of time that 350 degrees on your home oven and 350 degrees on an RV oven are nowhere the same. Guarantee you'll burn things on the bottom if you don't lower the temp by maybe 25 degrees or so and check if before the time specified. You may find it done or not quite ready, but you do have to watch it. Some folks use baking stones to help disburse the heat. I never have, but have just learned to watch everything closely. You'll get the hang of it.