Forum Discussion

Dascro58's avatar
Sep 21, 2015

Lippert axle issue

During a camping trip last week I noticed that the rear axle tires on our TT were toed out. Upon closer inspection I saw that the tires were very worn on the inside edge. Then I saw the axle was arced downward instead of upward. The front axle is fine.

We bought the camper new in 2010. Has anyone ever come across this type problem before? We never had a problem until now.

Is a new axle the only remedy at this time?

  • I haven't had this issue. But I have read some reports here of others having it.

    First a possibility... Have you had new tires installed recently? Many tire shops do not know how to properly jack up a trailer, and can bend the axles doing it wrong.

    Second... If that isn't the answer.. It is really unlikely that a defect of this nature would show up after 5-6 years of use... So there is probably another cause.

    I personally (along with some others) believe that most all TTs are under axled from the factory. They do not count any of the weight that is carried by the tongue. The axles are just barely sized to carry the remaining weight... This can work so long as perfect road conditions are the norm. But all it takes is the right circumstances in road conditions to momentarily overload the axles. Of course this would be a lot more likely to happen to a guy like me that boondocks and offroads routinely.. But it can still happen to a person like yourself that isn't as hard on their TT.

    This of course is just my opinon... But I would probably replace both axles with higher rated ones.
    Axles are really pretty cheap, and not that hard to install.
    Or you could just replace what you have and take your chances that it won't happen again.

    Myself, whenever something breaks, I upgrade it. I absolutly hate fixing something more than once.

  • So...has anyone experienced an axle failing like this?

    Camper is towed level. Always has been. Weights are all good. Always have been. All highway towing. No boondocking.

    Changing out the axle, if that is what it comes too, isn't a problem.

    I as just wondering how common this type axle failure may be. First hand experience type stuff.
  • Dascro58 wrote:
    Then I saw the axle was arced downward instead of upward. The front axle is fine.


    The rear axle may have been installed upside down (with the camber down).

    You might be carrying a lot more weight on your rear axle than your front axle. Towing with your tongue very high can exacerbate this type of problem.

    If the axle has truly failed, you should contact the axle manufacturer with your serial number in hand first - just to see if they will replace it for free or at a discount.
  • Truck, trailer, and everything else has been weighted and all well within limits.

    It's an axle failure issue. No doubt.

  • Few things to do:

    1st ----weigh truck and TT
    Combo with WDH (if used)
    Combo w/o WDH connected
    Truck only

    2nd -----have axle replaced/aligned
    Check axle rating ----under sized or overloaded?

    3rd -----new tires