^That would be the best move they could make, IMO. Offer a HD version of the XD to compete at the real 2500 truck level. Provided the chassis is up to the task, looks heavy duty from the one I looked at.
I'll still defend that Nissan is answering a request for a capable diesel pickup that isn't a big ole "HD" truck, but also agree that 15mpg avg (subjective since we know the test drivers aren't footing the fuel bill and sounds like it may have done a bunch of poking around town in traffic) and about double the avg def usage isn't putting it ahead in any categories vs the competition.
Some of the other subjective "issues" like clunky transmission could be because they expected it to shift like a bmw or something.
They got the right idea, but if the baby Cummins can't split the difference on fuel mileage between the Eco D and the big boy trucks, it looses a lot of luster.