IdaD wrote:
Turtle n Peeps wrote:
FishOnOne wrote:
Here's one Nissan Titan cummins owner who's review is similar to R&T review.
cold start
Review 1
Review 2
Wow, my 6.5 started the exact same way the other day @ 27 degrees. Checked the glow plugs and 7 of 8 were toast. That's crazy if the grid heater is ok on this thing and everything is working correctly.
I had high hopes for this truck but now I'm like :R.
It uses glow plugs, not a grid heater. The more I read about this truck the less I like it. Glow plugs inherently don't work as well as the grid heater setup in the I6 - another factor favoring the bigger Cummins in this comparison.
I didn't know that. I thought since it was a Cummins...........Thanks Id!