Forum Discussion

DiskDoctr's avatar
Aug 08, 2013

Making a "Super" canvas?

We have PUGs. Love them, hate the install/remove and how they slip from the top where the bunk meets the camper.

Last year we added adhesive backed hooks to camper to look the elastic cord over, which helped, but one has since come off.

So I got to thinking. Would there be any reason I couldn't sew these (or similar material, which can also be had from the same fella as PUGs) directly to the canvas?

I would only sew the ends onto the seams.

I thought about adding a couple of thin pieces of foam (think thinner version of pool noodles, not absorbent) in a few spots to keep the material off the canvas itself and leaving a few gaps in the sewing to act as "weep holes" for any moisture that could build up between the layers.

The reflective material is very thin, so I don't think it would be a problem folding with the canvas.

I was fortunate to pick up a couple of industrial sewing machines for a song, one of which should have no problem sewing through the layers with a heavier needle and UV thread. A friend of a friend was downsizing her shop and I got lucky.

In addition, since we are talking reflecting radiant heat, can you think of any reason why I couldn't use material that is green (or other) color on one side and put that out, if I didn't want the "tin foil" look? I don't mind the look, just trying to be descriptive ;)

I am definitely looking for opinions and thoughts or problems you may foresee. If anyone has done it, I'd really like to hear about your experience, too!

  • This sounds like it's getting not only troublesome, but expensive if you end up killing your PUGS. If you're using the clips that came with the PUGS, which are the only weak spot we found with the product, either a trip to Lowe's/HD or Harbor Freight could help solve the problem. We got some stronger clips and never had a problem with ours sliding. Also, a 4' step ladder was standard equipment. You might even give some thought to hand-sewing some brass/SS/whatever 1" rings at the very top edge of the trim that runs the length and then some type of clip to go through them to make darned sure they don't slide. Your original idea sounded good, but the further this goes, it seems like it could be not so effective. Suggest taking another look at some really strong clips.
  • el.jefe wrote:
    When I bought mine, because I'm using them as a seasonal, they told me about the lifespan of the PUGS. They only rate them for 5 or 6 years of "normal" camping use (which when you go seasonal means less than 2 years). If you sew it on and then after a few years the solar cover crackles and delaminates, which they say they will do, have you just made a bigger mess for yourself in having to replace them?

    Yeah, that would be a problem, now wouldn't it? I didn't know this and appreciate the info.

    I had thought about a laminate with a top and bottom layer of canvas with reflective in between, but that would involve making a whole new canvas :E

    I did see a friend's newer hybrid a couple years ago that had a very dense canvas, in that you couldn't see their shadows from outside, even when they had a light on. I wonder what that was made from?

    BTW, good info from all, likely saved me a real hassle down the road when the PUGs delaminate.
  • When I bought mine, because I'm using them as a seasonal, they told me about the lifespan of the PUGS. They only rate them for 5 or 6 years of "normal" camping use (which when you go seasonal means less than 2 years). If you sew it on and then after a few years the solar cover crackles and delaminates, which they say they will do, have you just made a bigger mess for yourself in having to replace them?
  • Thanks all for your input. I'll try to answer a few of the Q's

    Yes, I would be removing the bunks to run them through the sewing machine.

    I am planning to only put reflective material on the 'roof' canvas portion. All the canvas covered would be most efficient, but as others have mentioned, they would be non-removable, so only the critical area would be covered- and colored (orange, green?)

    Our front bunk is attached to the slanted front of the camper, so the back bungees have to stretch a bit towards the end of the bunk, which makes it slip off a bit. This allows both sun and RAIN to get under the PUG.
  • It sounds like a plan, but just seems like something is not right and I'm not sure what it is. First, aren't you going to have to remove the bunkend completely to accomplish this sewing part?? I know Bob says silver vs colored makes no difference, but I just can't help but think it does, even if miniscule. And, do you want them on all the time? When we still had our ROO, I enjoyed the times when we could take them off to let in more light. Another thought, and I don't know if this is a good one or not, but what about having heavy duty snaps attached to the top of the bunkend and matching snaps on the PUG?? Would that be a PITA putting them on and off?? We never had a problem with ours on the ROO just using clippy things along the edge where the trim piece is, but apparently some bunkends are different. The idea of something like a small swim noodle sounds like a good extra bit of insulation,....just don't know how you'd accomplish all this and still be able to get the bunkend closed securely. Good luck and keep us posted.
  • What you are suggesting is doable, but I don't see what you are gaining. Especially if you put the material green side up.

    I attached my pugs to a piece of vinyl siding J Channel. The J channel slides into the rain gutter above the bunk end. Your pugs can't slide down the canvas because the J channel is hooked into the rain gutter. The bottom of my pugs had string that I just attached to the frame. Only once did I have to use clamps on each side and that was just to stop the pugs from flapping.
  • Darn
    Live and learn, can"t imagin taking that PUG for a walk.
    Thanks Doc for the info.
  • grandpalarry wrote:
    Please don't think I'm Stupid, but if not a dog-What is a PUG ??

    PopUpGizmos are reflective covers for canvas bunk ends that help keep out the heat when hot outside and keep in the heat when heating your camper. Very effective.