Forum Discussion

Cmccain13's avatar
Jan 08, 2021

Master Tow Dolly and greasing bearings.

Hey all, we bought a brand new Master tow dolly and have driven about 2k miles. I was speaking with someone and they said to grease the bearings every 600 miles. I have never owned a trailer before so I'm not really what the protocol is on this. Anyone have some information would be helpful thank you!
  • At the very least, I'd pull the cap off, to see how much grease is on the outer bearing. If heavily greased, you would expect the inner bearing to be too. A lot of piece of mind, once you KNOW they have been serviced properly though, the very first time.

  • Ok yeah I was really worried for a bit and it didn't really make sense that I would have to grease them like every other trip. I'm a full time Rv'er and I will move like every two weeks or a month. I started this about 2.5 months ago so I'm new at alot of stuff. But yes 600 miles seems a bit overboard. Any help in indicators I will need to grease them?
  • My dolly is 10 years old and bearings have been greased once. Probably used 5000mi or more this year alone. I also have a 1999 Pace enclosed trailer that has probably been towed 1/2 a million miles and has only had bearings greased once as is my 2013 Featherlite, once. I don't exactly recommend this but its what has happened.
  • I've never owned a tow dolly, but have purchased many types of new trailers. In most cases, on mine, the dab of grease used on the new bearings, was minimal at best. The sooner you check/service new ones the better. After that, depending on amount of use, a good greasing of the bearings, should last several years, but certainly more than 600 miles.
