If you decide to go with Passport America be sure you understand there are lots of gotchas. First, there are many exclusions and blackout dates. Second, there may be many additional charges that are added to that basic 1/2 off rate, things like $ for 50 amp service, $ for sewer $ for pull thru sites etc. Third, the parks are often off the beaten path, so your savings might get eaten up by additional time and money spent getting to them. Fourth, some parks set their prices assuming the 50% discount is a given, so they are actually not a deal at all. That's why a number of reviews state something like "We paid $XX for the site with our Passport America discount and it sure is a good thing we had it because the site wasn't worth the 50% discounted price, much less what they claim is the full price.". Finally, Passport parks aren't evenly distributed across the country. You won't find too many (if there are any at all) near popular destinations. Many people find their value is in transiting from one location to another. It gives them a cheap overnight. Doesn't work nearly as well if you are looking to find them at the terminus of your travels.