Forum Discussion

Griz14's avatar
Jan 29, 2018

Memory Foam & Hypervent Pads

I asked this question but I thought I would see if I got more replies if I titled this topic a little better...anyway my question is for those who have a memory foam mattress have you had any issues with moisture/mold or mildrew forming under the mattress? A hypervent pad is supposed to cure this issue but they aren't cheap. I didn't want to buy one if this really isn't an issue.

Note: For those of you who replied on my hypervent topic you don't have to reply again...I have saved your replies. :B


  • Second Chance wrote:
    We had problems (mold) with our previous mattress. While shopping for a new one (settled on Tufts & Needle), learned about the ventilated substrate materials (HyperVent, etc.) and purchased such to put under our new mattress. It cost around $100 and we're not having any problems, now.


    Rob you are actually the first one who responded that has had a mold problem in a trailer/5th wheel M/F mattress and used a hypervent pad to solve it. One other couple who responded had issues in their boat and used it to solve their mold problem also so they put it in their trailer...just in case. Most have not had an issue with mold/mildew. I see you travel mostly in the southern states where high humidity and temperatures might be causing this issue.

  • We had problems (mold) with our previous mattress. While shopping for a new one (settled on Tufts & Needle), learned about the ventilated substrate materials (HyperVent, etc.) and purchased such to put under our new mattress. It cost around $100 and we're not having any problems, now.

  • We replaced our new OEM RV mattress with a Full Size Queen Tempurpedic Mattress after roughly 6 months of our 1st yr FTng

    Changing sheets one day while in FL visiting sister we noticed some condensation on bed platform.

    Purchased a large sheet of 'egg crate' foam and put it on top of platform then mattress on top of egg crate (whew is that Tempurpedic heavy/awkward to wrestle around in an RV bedroom!)

    Last issue with condensation under the mattress regardless of where/when we were.
  • The problem is that moisture from your body migrates through the memory foam. Then it condenses on the platform.

    If you go to buy a platform bed for the house, to use with memory foam, the platform will always be in something like 2" wide slats with about 2" spacing in between. That is to allow for air circulation so the mattress can dry out.

    What I would do is check frequently for moisture under the mattress. If the area is damp, you need ventilation. So you could:

    *buy Hypervent
    *take out the current platform and build a slatted one
    *replace the current platform with some plywood and drill out about half the are of it with holes for ventilation. This would probably be the least expensive option.

    In your area it would probably be a good idea to run a dehumidifier any time you are not running AC. But that still wouldn't keep the condensation from your body moisture off the mattress platform.
  • (Same area as you) I saw them at boat or RV show, can't remember which. I thought about them for awhile but after thinking about it for some time and not sure if I really have any problem, little alone their price, so I passed. I do keep pretty good track of humidity inside RV and store rv correctly, atleast in my opinion. Mold is everywhere, just that we get more than other places. Easy to keep on top of. Before spending $$$ on that I would read all I could about mold. Basically mold doesn't grow well in certain conditions. And those conditions that don't foster mold growth is what I try to keep RV in. Of course there are some people that sensitive to mold that have to take other precautions. Here is a site from your wonder state goverment about mold in our area.
  • I suspect the mold/mildew growth may depend on where you live. Here in NM it is not an issue. When I was stationed at Ft Lewis it seemed everything mildewed and never got dry-including me ;)