Forum Discussion

53_willys's avatar
Nov 06, 2016


I just replaced my 2001 7.3 powerstroke with a new 2016 6.7 powerstroke 4X4 I know the 6.7 won't get the mileage that my old truck got but once it's broke in what kind of mileage are you 6.7 owners getting ??????
  • OP, I would ask for hand calculated numbers only. A lot of times people like to give you the mileage on the computer which can be one or two mpg's off from actual hand calculated numbers.
  • Although "break-in" is a non-issue with most recent trucks, sometimes they do have a 500 mile break-in "Do not tow" period. Check with your dealer or owner's manual before hitting the road. I found out (after) towing about 300 miles within that 500 mile zone, that is was recommended no towing for the first 500 miles. Dealer did not tell me, I finally found that in the owners manual! I'm still waiting for the sky to fall on that one, but so far it hasn't happened. Truck is great.

    Mine is a Chevy 3500 diesel duly. Towing I get 11.5 mpg / not towing I get around 15, sometimes 17 if driving strictly interstate.
  • My friend bought a 2016 F350 CCLB and got 21 mpg on the highway from Maryland to Florida earlier this fall. At highway speeds these new diesels are impressive with power and economy.
  • I've had my 2015 F250 6.7 powerstroke, longbed, crewcab 2 years and check my mileage almost every tank fill up, the old fashion way. Actual mpg about .2 better than computer. I average 13.5 to 14 mpg around town and up to 18 on interstate. Drove to Florida last year (1300 miles each way) averaged 15 to 18 mpg depending on how fast 65 or 80. Truck has bed cap higher than truck cab and truck weighs about 9000# and closer to 10,000# loaded for trip. Just came back from 10 week trip west, 12,540 miles and averaged 11.2 mpg by computer for the trip. Includes about 8000 miles towing 8400#, Rockwood 2906WS, travel trailer.

    Hope this info helps.
  • the only part that NEEDS to break-in is the differential(s)... ( New Vehicle )

    so almost Zero difference in mileage. towing

    empty is another matter. New one will be better.

    Old Wise Tails.. never seem to die.. like chrome muffler bearings... turn signal Flasher fluid... and 3,000 mile oil changes.

    but can I have a new spinner knob for a steering wheel. :)
  • Lynnmor wrote:
    Mileage won't change due to break in, that's an old wives tale.

    X2 - I totally agree this is one of the most overstated tales told. And before you all chime in - I'm sure your father-in-law's neighbor's gardener got 4mpg better with his truck after 100K :) :)

    I could maaaaaaybe believe a very minor improvement after the first few tanks as things got broken in. Like something in the neighborhood of .2 mpg. I don't even know how someone could track it.

    I think it's a case of optimistic calculating when people see some crazy improvement on an older vehicle.
  • Mileage won't change due to break in, that's an old wives tale.
  • I wouldn't assume it's mileage will be worse. Assuming you drive the same.

    My 2015 Duramax 6.6 gets noticeably better unloaded mileage in town and on the highway than my 04.5 did. about 10 percent better on the highway when traveling the same route.

    Towing, didn't change enough to notice. That wind drag dominates.
  • 16 combined in town and up to 18 on the Interstate for long trips, w/o towing.