ruthiebaby88 wrote:
Hello again,
I have found a 1995 Bigfoot that they are offering for 6700$
It does not have AC. I love the 2 piece molded fiberglass, but I am wondering if it is a good idea to make modifications like adding AC.
I had also thought about perhaps switching to a composting toilet in the future because I have heard they are great for boondocking.
Seems scary to cut into the fiberglass frame. Do people do that? If not, I will probably keep looking as I would like to be able to take my mom and her dogs on trips so having AC is a survival thing for the dogs if we are out during the day.
That composting toilet is an excellent idea. It only requires a single 120 watt light bulb for heat 24/7 & does a great job.
Why though, lock the dogs up in the RV with the A/C & Generator running while your out for a few hours? Dogs love the outdoors.
Have you decided on which generator to get yet? There is a lot of information on the Forum, just ask.