For the most part, I think the repairs are simply salesman BS. Some could be valid, but mostly BS in my opinion.
"Front Jacks were repaired,
What was broke?fixed a major water leak,
Where, and what does he consider a major water leak?toilet line fixed,
What needed repair?water heater bypass valve fixed,
[COLOR=]What was broke?
marker lamp fixed,
Change a $1 light bulb?plumbing vents,
What was wrong with them?resealed the roof,
Where? There are no seams to leakbathroom vent lid fixed,
What is a vent lid, and what needed repair?moniter panel,
What was broken?fixed furnace.
What needed to be repaired?I also went and found out about how much the AC unit is with installation. It is $1,630 all installed.
Absolutely ridicules. Are they asking $1000 labor? Hard for me to imagine over 2 hours labor, and that is pushing it. Check out the link, and call Camping World for labor cost. I gotta say, I am absolutely miffed at a $1630 estimate.Coleman-Mach Air ConditionersI question the honesty of the salesman. Based on your post, I would believe nothing he said. Maybe I missed it, but what is the asking price? My bet is that it is way overpriced. I base that on the salesman speak on "... the repairs that were just completed per the salesman ...".
I would find it interesting as to his response to each of my questions in red.
Do not misunderstand, I am completely sold on the molded fiberglass TCs. I simply smell a rat in the salesman, and that to me suggest an overpriced TC.
Feel free to print this post and share it with the salesman and who ever quoted the $1,630 for the A/C. Do state, this is my opinion, and not the opinion of RV.NET.Wayne