I'm with jefe4x4.
I have a hard-side on a short bed. While it is slightly taller, it handles most off road conditions fine. The caveat of a hard side is it's height and low hanging branches, other than that, and maybe a slight weight penalty, I think they are very convenient not having to set anything up. I've owned both soft and hard side.
Our camper is on a shortbed, but has a nice shower/toilet/sink, which my wife really appreciates. No need for a long bed if you want a little bathroom/shower.
I think most people over-estimate how much off roading they will do, and thus think they need something uber small and light, when most people really don't even push their vehicles very hard.
Jefe4x4 and some others here have done some good offroading with their campers, but I think most just think they need something for that 0.5% of the time they might do something challenging. I think it's better to buy a camper for what you'll be doing 99% of the time, not 0.5%. Plus, offroading with a truck camper kinda sucks anyway. It's slow and tedious. I don't enjoy it, but I know others do. Just my opinion. I'd rather walk the last bit, or ride my bike, and leave my truck camper parked somwhere than drive 1mph for hours on end.