The parking was built and is operated by a non-profit group that has raised, and spent, tens of millions of dollars on improving the area surrounding the monument. The area looks nothing like a midway carnival, it is tastefully done to include an Avenue of flags, mounted on granite columns. The avenue leads to the carving, where it ends at a huge granite stadium, concealed below your sight lines, when visitors can watch fireworks. There are not multiple gifts shops as you claim, nor is there any "junkie stuff" on the grounds. There is a gift shop and restaurant with tall glass walls overlooking the carving, and a well done museum with a theater. Given the fact that congress refuses to spend enough to maintain and upgrade our national parks, this is as good as it gets. I was there before the Memorial Society really stepped up and got things going. The grounds were a disaster, and looked like some third rate, backwoods state monument, that was failing from neglect. There was about a 1/4 of the amount of parking actually needed for the crowds, and you looked at the monument while standing on old, rickety wooden decks, it was a disgrace.