The most extreme time was at Arches NP in July or August several years ago. We managed to get some hiking in before it got too hot one day, but when we got back to the camper it was well over 100 degrees, and the sun was shining directly on the corner of the camper where the built-in Generac is installed. The outside of the camper was too hot to even touch. I started the generator up to cool the camper off so we could rest and get cleaned up before getting on the road, and it ran for about 15 minutes before its over-temp limit switch shut it down. That figures.
Humm,interesting..I have had a Yamaha portable gen do that exact same thing but not one of the built in Onan's I have had in a couple Class C's..My Honda 3K has not done that either..
I am on the fence about having or not having a built in gen in my last and final TC..In the Class C's I have owned they came in real handy and ran in blistering heat without issue but then it was gasoline Onan's not propane..I have heard a bunch of stories of trouble with Onan generators but I have never had any trouble,myself..But I used them alot,not just once in a while..
During a typical hunting trip of 1-2 weeks,I used an average of a 7 gallon bottle every 3-4 days maybe even 5-6 depending on temps..That is why I have two 25 gallon bottles that I usually take atleast one because refilling propane 100 miles from anywhere, is not an option..
My need for a TC mounted gen would only be for trips to the city for medical needs and stays not in a motel room..I do have the window AC that works great but that needs a gen set and would be not advised in a Walmart or city hide-away,even temporarily..
So like the op but for my reasons,carrying an extra tank or two makes sense for those times you did not plan on for the AC or furnace/Cat heater..
IMHO all TC's should have two 30# propane bottles which would solve a lot of issues while two 20#,especially if exchanged,don't fill the needs of longer stay's in extreme temps...
If the op does a google search he will find many propane tank holders that will bolt to that huge bumper found on most new truck campers to carry anything from propane bottles to even a small Honda or Yamaha..Lots of room there for extra's..