A TC is probably the better place to use them since it's unlikely to tilt. I doubt very much that you will ever have a problem with the panel itself. More likely might be the connections on the rear of the panel. If the cover is removable or if you have to attach the wires to the panel box, be sure to use electrical grease in there. I would never put anything up there that isn't aluminum or stainless. There are better grades of stainless too.
With the low panel prices I would guess that it's going to be borderline worth while years from now to even use the warr when shipping prices keep going up and panel prices keep going down. I drilled holes in all my panels for rivenuts and tilting. If tilting is practical and you need the increased performance, tilting does help a good deal. I have never run into anyone who has replaced a panel and I often run into people with very old panels.