1. Find out your loaded weight to make sure you are not exceeding GVWR
Actually on a rv trailer its the axle load rating (tire..wheel...suspension...axle) we don't want to exceed.
A GVWR on a RV trailer can be the sum of the GAWRs plus hitch weight that the tow vehicle carries.
Weighing is a good idea on a truck trailer combo for a GCW. However the driver will need to know if a tow vehicles steer...drive...or trailer axle rating isn't over loaded.
ST tire failures??
I could write a good horror story about them when I was hauling for a living.
Most ST tire per rv trailer owner I've seen was a member on our TH forum. He had 11 Maxxis ruined in a 3 year period before he switched to LT tires. No issues after that.